DFC Tank Pressure Vessel Manufacturer Co., Ltd Sektör : [ MakinaYedek Parça ]
100-102. Maya Akar Center B Blok Kat:8. Esentepe - İstanbul - Türkiye
| Jeawin Huang | | | |
| +902123555847 | |
| | |
MakinaYedek Parça
0-1 Million US$
Son Güncelleme: 26.07.2020
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MakinaYedek Parça sektöründeki firmaları görmek için ..
MakinaYedek Parça sektör ürünleri görmek için
China Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger Manufacturer Offers SS304 Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger, ASME, Tube 100mm - 20000mm, 100Mpa, Up to 1050℃, Up to 6000m2. Name: Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger. Material: SS304. Code: ASME. Refrigerant (In Tube): R22,R134a,R407c,R410a etc. Design Pressure: Up to 100Mpa. Design temperature: Up to 1050℃. Shell Diameter: Up to 3000mm. Heat Exchange Area: Up to 6000 m2. Tube Diameter: 10mm to 70mm. Tube Length: 100mm to 20000mm. website: https://www.dfctank.com/ss304-tube-bundle-heat-exchanger-asme-20000mm-100mpa.html
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