China Guangdong PVD metallizer Co. Sektör : [ Metal Kaplama ]
No.1 duanzhou road, Zhaoqing, China - - Çin
 | Alex Li | | | |
 | 86-758-2806393 | |
 | | |
Metal Kaplama
2-5 Million US$
Son Güncelleme: 03.07.2017
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Metal Kaplama sektöründeki firmaları görmek için ..
Metal Kaplama sektör ürünleri görmek için
Thermal evaporation - metallizer |
Thermal evaporation - metallizer
http://www.pvd metallizer.com
Vacuum evaporation coating machine is mainly used in coating on the surface of pretreated plastic and ceramic products with - metal films (such as aluminum, chrome, stainless steel and other - metals), colorful film and imitation gold film etc., as a result. it can obtain bright, beautiful and inexpensive plastic and ceramic - metalized products. The machine is extensively used in the industries of lamps, furniture, toys, bottle caps, female shoe heels, car mirrors, crafts, jewelry, watches, cell phones, DVD, MP3, PDA outer coverings, cosmetic shells and Christmas gifts etc. The coating substrates include ABS, PS, PP, PC, PVC, nylon, - metal, glass, ceramics and TPU materials, etc.
Double Door Vertical Type Thermal Evaporation - metallizer is operated by the principle of thermal evaporation by resistance heating that can be used for coating - metallic films and gold-imitative films on the pre-treated plastics, ceramics and others in order to obtain bright and good-looking results with lower cost.
China Guangdong PVD - metallizer Co.
Alex Li Mobile: +86 13929890858 Wechat: - metallizer Skype: vacuum metallizer
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